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Catalyst 5 Ti

Name: Catalyst 5 Ti: Bearings
Manufacturer: Ki Mobility
Bearings parts diagram
(Click on image to enlarge)

Quantity of 2 needed per wheel and caster mount.
Pos. Part # Description Price UOM Buy
1a 100902 Bearing 1 1/8" x 1/2" R8RS- Used with Ki Spoke, Spinergy, Superlight, Topolino, SoftWheel, 24" X Core Mag, 12" and 16" Mags and discontinued 22" and 24" Mag wheels. Also used with Focus Base Frame and Caster Arm, Catalyst Performance Caster Housings and Rogue / Clik Standard and Unitine Forks
1b 200528 Bearing 1 3/8" x 1/2" 99502H- Used with 20" and 22" X Core Mag Wheels and 24” Assembled Six-Spoke Mag wheel
1c 100530 Bearing M28 x 1/2" 6001RS- Used with Tsunami Caster Housings, Catalyst Standard Caster Housings, 16" Drum Brake wheels, discontinued Spoke wheels, MAXX Performance Spoke wheels, and MAXX Mag wheels.